
Roommate Agreements

Hello and Welcome to Residence Life!

We know you are excited to move in and get to know your roommates and the community- we are excited too! Before you arrive to campus, we want to make sure you and you roommate are ready to share space together.

Getting to know and understand your roommate(s) early will lead to easier communication throughout the year.  For many, sharing a room is a new experience and can sometimes result in a few misunderstandings. Developing a good relationship early on may help you to approach your roommate when you discover an issue on which you do not agree. Also, be aware that your roommate may approach you for similar reasons. Avoiding conflict does not work.

To have a good roommate, be a good roommate.  Roommates do not need to be best friends, but it helps if they are fair, honest, and considerate with one another. Every resident needs to take responsibility for their own behavior and to share responsibility for the roommate relationship. Establishing ground rules that everyone can live with requires work, but the benefit of creating good relationships makes it worthwhile. Even if lifelong friendship between roommates is not established, learning to live with each other鈥檚 differences without infringing on one another鈥檚 freedom is a valuable part of your education.

All residents are required to complete a Roommate Agreement during the first two weeks of classes.  This email will explain what to do and give you suggestions on how to create the best Roommate Agreement possible.

Communication is essential to a positive, working relationship with any roommate or suite mates.  To facilitate this process, it is important to address potential problem areas before they become a problem. By discussing potential living concerns in the Roommate Agreement, roommates will begin to develop the kind of relationship that is conducive to positive academic, community, and personal growth. This process will also reduce or eliminate the possibility of conflict and increase communication between roommates.


Communicate:  The key to a successful relationship with your roommate(s) is communication. Sit down and talk about habits, preferences, moods, and values. Even if your roommate is your 鈥渂est friend,鈥 you will be surprised to find out some things you did not know about one another. If something is bothering you, the sooner you talk about it in person, the sooner it can be resolved.

Be understanding:  Everyone has days when everything seems to go wrong and bad moods are the result. Try to be understanding and help one another through the hard times. Making it through the rough days builds stronger relationships.

Give each other some space:  Spending time together is great, but you can have too much of a good thing. Consider your roommate鈥檚 needs for time alone and establish your own quiet time. Be realistic: don鈥檛 expect your roommate to be your best friend and constant companion. Continuous close contact can strain even the best friendships.

Establish Ground Rules:  Roommates need to establish ground rules regarding the use of each other鈥檚 belongings, room cleaning, phone use, entertaining guests, and study environment. Knowing where the other(s) stands on these matters prevents future disagreements.

Discuss potential areas of conflict:

  • Be open to compromises.
  • If your roommate is doing something you don鈥檛 like, don鈥檛 repress your feelings. It鈥檚 usually better to talk about the things bothering you rather than to store up a lot of small grievances, which lead to a major blow-up.
  • Be considerate of your roommate鈥檚 privacy.
  • Never assume your roommate is just like you. You are both unique individuals.
  • Always ask permission. Don鈥檛 just use the iron or eat the cookies, even if you think it might be alright.
  • Appreciate your roommate. Praise, respect, and courtesy are the foundations for any positive relationship.
  • Avoid being judgmental. You are not your roommate鈥檚 keeper.
  • Be honest, assertive, and stand up for yourself, just remember to do so respectfully and to remember we are all human and make mistakes.
  • Ask your RA or Residence Life Staff for advice. They are trained to help mediate conflicts.

You and your roommate are individuals with unique interests, goals, likes and dislikes. You may not find it necessary to share every aspect of college life with them. If conflicts do arise, speak with your roommate in person first; talk a problem through before it becomes a major conflict. If, after having talked with your roommate, you still can鈥檛 resolve the conflict, talk with your RA or Residence Life staff. Your hall staff is experienced in dealing with roommate problems and should be able to give you some sound advice. Remember, you owe your roommate the courtesy of speaking with them first.


Where to find your Roommate Agreement: